Quizizz-assisted case and team-based project: a pathway to enhance problem-solving and digital literacy

Prima Lestari Situmorang (1), Juli Arianti (2), Krisanty Mey Sinambela (3),
(1) Musamus University  Indonesia
(2) Musamus University  Indonesia
(3) Musamus University  Indonesia

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.29210/07essr524400

Full Text:    Language : english


The study aims to improve students' problem- solving skills and digital literacy by implementing the case method assisted by Quizizz. This research was conducted on fifth-semester economic education students. This research is a qualitative Classroom Action Research (PTK). The research instruments used tests, observations, and interviews. The population in this study were 20 people. The sampling technique used Purposive- Sampling so that the research sample amounted to 30 people. The results of the study were that there was an increase in the Student Learning Completeness Score (KPM) at 3 meetings. Learning completeness has an average of 74% with an average increase of 14%. There are 4 aspects assessed in problem-solving skills. 100% have been able to find problems in the case, in aspect 2, 83.33% of students mastered the aspect of transforming information. 50% of students have been able to develop a problem-solving plan, and 26.67% of students are able to conclude a solution to the problem. Meanwhile, through the application of the Quizizz application, 60% of students who experienced an increase in digital literacy and the rest could not connect to the internet network.


case method ; Digital Literacy ;Problem-Solving Abilities ; Quizizz ; Team- Based Project


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