Table of Contents
Kontribusi dukungan keluarga terhadap motivasi belajar anak broken home
- DOI: 10.29210/02697jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 2245
- Page: 6-9
Peningkatan hasil belajar pembagian pecahan biasa dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme
- DOI: 10.29210/02764jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 293
- Page: 10-18
Peningkatan hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran tolak peluru melalui pendekatan metode bermain bola karet pada siswa
- DOI: 10.29210/02765jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 334
- Page: 19-25
Peningkatan pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam melalui pendekatan sains teknologi masyarakat
- DOI: 10.29210/02763jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 324
- Page: 26-35
Peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun RPP daring melalui metode in house training (IHT)
- DOI: 10.29210/02878jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 534
- Page: 36-43
Peran orang tua dan guru dalam memotivasi peserta didik sekolah dasar di masa pandemi
- DOI: 10.29210/02927jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 2743
- Page: 44-48
Peran orang tua dan guru dalam mengembangkan moral peserta didik sekolah dasar di era revolusi industri 4.0
- DOI: 10.29210/02928jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 2210
- Page: 49-52
Peningkatan hasil belajar pendidikan agama Islam melalui penerapan metode proyek siswa kelas III
- DOI: 10.29210/02825jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 276
- Page: 53-61
Perbedaan kemampuan menggiring bola antara kelompok rangkaian bermain dan rangkaian latihan siswa
- DOI: 10.29210/02822jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 197
- Page: 62-67
Peningkatan hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran tolak peluru melalui pendekatan metode bermain bola karet pada siswa kelas VI
- DOI: 10.29210/02824jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 219
- Page: 68-74
Peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam menyusun kelengkapan mengajar melalui in-house training
- DOI: 10.29210/02941jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 227
- Page: 75-79
Upaya peningkatan hasil belajar voli dengan metode permainan bola berantai pada siswa sekolah dasar
- DOI: 10.29210/02942jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 309
- Page: 80-89
Peningkatan pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara melalui media gambar seri
- DOI: 10.29210/02943jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 436
- Page: 90-102
Upaya menigkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui pemberdayaan kegiatan kelompok kerja guru
- DOI: 10.29210/02944jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 213
- Page: 103-108
Upaya peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun silabus danencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui supervisi akademik yang berkelanjutan
- DOI: 10.29210/02945jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 219
- Page: 109-113
Peningkatan hasil belajar keliling bangun datar melalui strategi belajar kooperatif tipe STAD di sekolah dasar
- DOI: 10.29210/02947jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 286
- Page: 119-129
Upaya meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui workshop dan bimbingan berkelanjutan
- DOI: 10.29210/02948jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 407
- Page: 130-135
Peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam menyusun kelengkapan mengajar melalui in-house training
- DOI: 10.29210/02823jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 357
- Page: 136-141
The correlations among learning motivation, self-confidence, and writing ability of students descriptive text
- DOI: 10.29210/021002jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 13118
- Page: 142-148
The influence of principal leadership style, infrastructure, and work climate on teachers’ performance
- DOI: 10.29210/021003jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 254
- Page: 149-154
The school heads' strategy for planning to boost the standard of education
- DOI: 10.29210/021004jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 259
- Page: 155-158
Improving the activities of learning and writing text description of students through contextual teaching and learning approach
- DOI: 10.29210/021005jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 268
- Page: 159-163
The influence of organization culture on teacher performance of elementary school
- DOI: 10.29210/021006jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 228
- Page: 164-167
The influence of the leadership of the principal and school committee on teacher performance
- DOI: 10.29210/021020jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 159
- Page: 168-173
Evaluation of school literation movements in improving student discipline
- DOI: 10.29210/021021jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 338
- Page: 174-180
Strategy for improving learning quality assessed from teachers performance in senior high
- DOI: 10.29210/021022jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 192
- Page: 181-185
Patterns of education and supervision of the headmaster in improving discipline and teacher performance
- DOI: 10.29210/021023jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 264
- Page: 186-190
The influence of parents socio-economic conditions on student achievement in junior high schools
- DOI: 10.29210/021024jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 179
- Page: 191-194
The relationship between learning strategies and learning interest against student learning outcomes at state elemetary
- DOI: 10.29210/021025jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 231
- Page: 195-199
The relationship between learning outcomes and motivation for learning to write using indonesian against student management
- DOI: 10.29210/021026jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 193
- Page: 200-203
The effect of leadership and work discipline on teacher performance
- DOI: 10.29210/021027jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 294
- Page: 204-208
Deixis used in the novel entitled the good muslim by tahmima anam
- DOI: 10.29210/021028jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 244
- Page: 209-214
The influence of principal leadership and teacher performance on student learning
- DOI: 10.29210/021029jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 287
- Page: 215-219
The influence of principals’ managerial and school committee participation on the quality of education at elementary schools
- DOI: 10.29210/021030jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 227
- Page: 220-228
The influence of principal leadership and organizational climate on teacher performance
- DOI: 10.29210/021045jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 275
- Page: 229-237
School and workplace sarpras influence on the performance of kindergarten teacher
- DOI: 10.29210/021031jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 233
- Page: 238-242
The effect of teacher work motivation and the leadership of schools on teachers performance in elementary school
- DOI: 10.29210/021032jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 224
- Page: 243-249
The devoloping of studying learning culture and the developing of ICT in pandemic covid-19 in junior high school of rambutan
- DOI: 10.29210/021033jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 294
- Page: 250-253
Implementation of indonesian teacher learning processes and digital literation for teachers in junior high school
- DOI: 10.29210/021034jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 222
- Page: 254-258
Efforts to improve by provision of infrastructure services and extracuricular implementation learning achievement
- DOI: 10.29210/021038jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 210
- Page: 259-261
The influence of school facilities and the work environment on teachers performance of elementary school
- DOI: 10.29210/021039jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 320
- Page: 262-267
Leadership of the principal in improving the professional competence of teachers in the digital age
- DOI: 10.29210/021040jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 452
- Page: 268-274
Strategy for improving the quality of education through meeting the standards manpower of education in junior high school
- DOI: 10.29210/021041jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 246
- Page: 275-281
The influence of managerial competency and job satisfaction on the performance of teachers of negatiary schools
- DOI: 10.29210/021035jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 234
- Page: 282-286
The impact of work environment and motivation on teachers’s discipline level
- DOI: 10.29210/021042jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 181
- Page: 287-290
The role of teachers in implementing curriculum 13 in primary schools
- DOI: 10.29210/021043jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 315
- Page: 291-295
The role of the supervision of the school chairman as an effort to improve teacher professionalism in teaching
- DOI: 10.29210/021036jpgi0005
- Abstract Views: 202
- Page: 296-299