Career Guidance Services : Trait and Factor Career Theory Analysis
(1) (Scopus ID 57204875195) Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(3) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
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Copyright (c) 2021 Elfi Churnia, Afdal Afdal, A Muri Yusuf
Full Text: Language : en
The future challenge in life for students is self-preparation in choosing a career. Career choice is a determination in decision making as a process where a person makes his choice based on the abilities and qualifications of the students themselves, according to the characteristics of each major, interests, talents, and knowing plans for future career prospects. Trait and Factor can be interpreted as a directive-counseling or counselor- centered approach, having the basic view that human personality is a system of interdependent traits and factors. Trait and factor is a counseling style that emphasizes individual understanding through psychological testing and the application of that understanding in solving various problems faced, especially those concerning career choices. This article is a literature review that will explain career guidance and counseling services in terms of Trait and Factor Career Theory Analysis. Data in this study sourced by books and journals that are credible and reputable.
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