About the Journal
Journal HistoryThe first published JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) in 2015, ISSN: 2502-8103 (for electronic version) 2477-8524 (for print version). The first issue was published on December 2015. Since the first publication, it has changed several times in term of journal management and policy.
- Registered in ISSN LIPI in 28 December 2015 (for print version), 2 March 2016 (for electronic version).
- June 2015, the journal were registered and indexed to several website, including Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search etc.
- June 2017, the first issue was published in online and registered crossref member and have DOI Prefix.
- July 2018 JPPI get Nationally Accredited in SINTA 4 by Ministry of RTHE):No. 21/E/KPT/2018, No 96 date July 9, 2018.
- November 2018, JPPI was accepted to be indexed by DOAJ
- December 2020 JPPI get Nationally Accredited in SINTA 2 by (Ministry of Research and Technology /National Agency for Research and Innovation): 200/M/KPT/2020, No 77 pp.15, December 23, 2020.
- Since 2021, JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) published quarterly